The Conflict Thesaurus is Here!

The Conflict Thesaurus Is Here! (A resource for writers.)

The Conflict Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide to Obstacles, Adversaries, and Inner Struggles (Volume 1) is a game-changer for writers, screenwriters, game designers, and anyone else who needs a steady stream of ideas on how to challenge their characters inside and out.

Conflict is a big deal. It touches everything: plot, pacing, characterization and character arc, theme, stakes, and more. It’s one of the best tools out there for helping our books stand out from others in our genre, too…if we use it the right way.

This book will help you brainstorm meaningful conflict scenarios that capture attention. Instead of just throwing rocks to slow their progress toward a goal, we’ll show you how to target a character’s soft spots. You’ll learn how to cause them to struggle internally while challenging them externally, forcing them to dig deep if they are to succeed.

Here’s a more detailed look at this book.
Find the full list of conflict scenarios (& sample entries) here.
Here’s what people are saying about The Conflict Thesaurus.
And here’s where you can buy
 it, print and digital.

All this talk about conflict has us wondering one thing: how would you do if you were in the hot seat instead of one of your characters?


Conflict Challenge

As writers, we shove our characters through life’s meat grinder, again and again. But what if YOU are the protagonist who has to face difficult problems, obstacles, and dilemmas?

Will your choices lead to victory…or failure?

Let’s put it to the test! Survive, and you might just win something neat.

Yes, there are some great prizes waiting for you in the Conflict Challenge, but would it be a Thesaurus book release without a giveaway? Of course not. So…


Subject to our legal policy, of course. Draw ends midnight October 15th, EST.

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